Monday, January 29, 2018

Habits and Symptoms Associated With Blood Clots and DVT

Dr. David Greuner is a respected surgeon known for pioneering a number of minimally invasive approaches, including Cool Vein and No Knife Endovenous Laser (TM). Among the health issues that Dr. David Greuner regularly treats are blood clots, a major health risk that is often overlooked.

With blood clots causing more deaths in the US than vehicular accidents, HIV, and breast cancer combined, they are associated with obesity, smoking, and sedentary habits. In addition, genetic factors may make blood clots more likely for some. 

Most clots occur in the legs, in the deep vein that is responsible for returning most of the blood to the heart from the feet. When deep vein thrombosis (DVT) associated clots break loose they may obstruct the lungs’ blood flow, resulting in a serious condition called pulmonary embolism.

Symptoms of DVT to watch for include swelling at the site of the clot and leg pain, as well as tenderness and a reddish color in the affected region. In cases where pulmonary embolism develops, coughing and chest pain may arise, as well as persistent lung issues such as shortness of breath.